
We spend our winters building hardened resistance 
Through the routine of shoulder hunching and thickening blood 
As gradually the filtered light that shifts
Across wood panels and kitchen tiles
Lingers into longer hours.
Without cognizance, we let fall
Our experiences, as a dog
Sheds its winter coat
Each houseroom.
Leaving our
Convictions as paper scraps to be
Swept up with toast crumbs –
and our tear drops
for mopping.
Never knowing the
Of our skin
Until it is.
And we stand
The swiftness of

Photo by Irene Lasus on Pexels.com

This poem was written for the dVerse prompt given by Lillian on Tuesday to write a poem containing a form of the word shed. https://dversepoets.com/2019/01/22/shed-some-light-on-this-today/